Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Buatlah review website dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan format sebagai berikut:

A.     Apa ..... itu?
B.     Menu
C.     Bagaimana Menggunakan ....?
D.    Keuntungan (Manfaat) situs ini untuk Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
E.     Kekurangan situs ini
F.      Rekomendasi untuk Pengguna situs
G.    Rekomendasi untuk Pemilik situs
H.    Alamat Kontak.

Aspek penilaian:
1.      Menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana dan jelas.
2.      Memberikan informasi secara detail.
3.      Membuat pengguna tertarik untuk menggunakan web tersebut.
4.      Penilaian terhadap situs obyektif.
5.      Memberikan rekomendasi yang logis, mudah dilakukan dan jelas.

Buat soft copy dan printout dalam MS Word dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1. Soft Copy dikirim ke email: tugasictmultimedia@gmail.com
2. Judul Surat: NIM, NAMA, SEM, JUDUL. Contoh: A3200900001, Budi Raharjo, SEM, LinguaFranca.
3. Nama file merupakan judul (nama website).
4. Printout diserahkan pada hari H ujian secara kolektif di kantor.

Daftar materi bisa dilihat di link ini:
Daftar Materi setiap mahasiswa
atau ini
Daftar Materi Setiap Mahasiswa

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Converting Text to Audio

Please click the following link:
Text to Speech or
Natural Text to Speech
After downloading the file, please answer the following questions:
1. How do you install text to speech maker?
2. In what subject can you use this software and how?
3. How do you convert text to speech?
4. How do you save the file to audio file?
5. What are the weaknesses of this software?
6. How do you limit the weaknesses of this software?
7. Describe (explain) the use of every menu in this software!

Write down in the Comment menu.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Assignment: Monday, 19, 2012

Assalamu'alaikum my beloved students,
I am so sorry that I have a program on Monday, 19, 2012 with pak Titis and bu Endang. Therefore, I want you to prepare making Video Project. To do so, see the following directions:
  1. Group yourselves into two for each class.
  2. Elect your director that will lead the group in doing the project.
  3. Make the divisions that help the director.
  4. Click this link http://forthesakeofhim.blogspot.com/ 
  5. Find out link storyboard under FILE-FILE  PERKULIAHAN.
  6. Or click this link: Format Storyboard
  7. Click that link and download the file (one file for one group).
  8. The topics (subjects) of Media are:
    • Class A Group 1. Invitation
    • Class A Group 2. Advertisement
    • Class B Group 1. News Item.
    • Class B Group 2. Descriptive.
    • Class C Group 1. Narrative.
    • Class C Group 2. Explanation.
    • Class D Group 1. Discussion.
    • Class D Group 2. Exposition.
  9. Make the storyboard based on that table.
  10. Give me the storyboard and the list of the group member in our next meeting.
Good Luck

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Analyze Audio Edit Magic Menu

Please explain the functions of the following menus:

1.     Amplify
2.     Delay
3.     Fade in
4.     Fade out
5.     Flanger
6.     Invert
7.     Normalize
8.     Reverse
9.     Vibrato
10.   Echo
11.   Chorus
12.   Noise Reduction
13.   Filter 

Please describe the steps of :

1.     Converting the format.
2.     Inserting noise and silence
3.     Inserting and changing information about and audio file.
4.     Recording from microphone
5.     Recording from videotape
6.     Recording from winamp or streaming from internet.